February 8, 2025 • 3:51 am

Azzam Derbas

Light rail proposed for Western Sydney

10 Jan 2012

Parramatta Lord Mayor, Cr Lorraine Wearne, is encouraged by the State Government’s positive response to the development of a light-rail network in Sydney and calls for it to be expanded as part of a solution to Western Sydney’s transport problems.

Media reports today indicate the NSW Government is in favour of the development of a light-rail system in the Sydney CBD, with tertiary connections.

Parramatta City Council had met with Infrastructure NSW late last year to discuss its own light-rail proposal, which would boost public transport, alleviate traffic congestion and support the population growth of one of Australia’s fastest growing regions.

“When you consider that within the next 20 years, the majority of Sydney’s population will be in the west, we need solutions that recognise the growth of labour markets outside of the City CBD,” Cr Wearne said.

“A light rail or metro system is a viable option for Western Sydney. It is more reliable than buses, cheaper and quicker to implement than heavy rail and can facilitate faster, more regular services,” she added.

Council has already developed a concept for a Western Sydney light rail/metro network and has applied to the Federal Government’s Liveable Cities Program for funding to undertake a two-part feasibility study.

Stage one of Council’s proposal will see the Carlingford Line extended to connect to Rydalmere, Parramatta North and Westmead.

The light rail system planned is to be highly segregated from the existing road and train networks, like Sydney’s tram with virtually no sharing of road space.

The proposal would improve access to employment in Westmead, Parramatta city centre, Macquarie Park and have links to the University of Western Sydney and Macquarie University.

“An efficient public transport system such as the proposed light rail network would connect the rapidly expanding Western Sydney population to employment and education opportunities closer to their homes,” she said.

“Council has had some positive discussions with the State Government over the past three months and I’m looking forward to continuing to work with all levels of Government to ensure Parramatta is well-positioned to support NSW’s ‘engine room’ – Western Sydney.”

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