Paramatta City – Community Profile
The Parramatta City Community Profile is designed to inform community groups, Council, investors, business, students and the general public. To achieve this, the Profile is formatted to present the data in simple, clear tables and charts with concise factual commentary. View Paramatta City Community Profile
Community Atlas
This is an interactive web-based tool that allows you to find out key socio-demographic characteristics for Parramatta. Interactive maps provide the finest level of detail to help identify spatial patterns and trends in the City, based on data from the 2001 Census of Population and Housing (Australian Bureau of Statistics). View the Community Atlas
Population Forecast
The Parramatta City Council population and household forecasts are designed to inform community groups, Council, investors, business, students and the general public. To achieve this,® is formatted to present the data in simple, clear tables and charts with concise factual commentary. View Parramatta City Population Forecast
Biz Facts
Produced every six months, the BizFacts publication is an important component of Parramatta City Council’s Economic Development Activities and provides a useful tool for businesses, business agencies and key partners, investors, students, and the media. Inside this particular edition, Mike Thomas, Council’s Manager of Economic Development takes a closer look at our small business community and the opportunities for future growth. Download Biz Facts
State of the City 2009
New Chief Executive Officer of Parramatta City Council, Dr Rob Lang, outlined the challenges facing Sydney’s second CBD if it is to transform into a major metropolis and the key commercial, cultural and tourism hub of Western Sydney
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